ou have a home theater set up with a big TV, great surround sound system, interactive lighting and comfy seats. The next choice you have to make is which service is better, cable or satellite. As everything in life, there are advantages and disadvantages. Here are a couple features you would want to consider.
Best Picture & Service Quality
Alright, so you have an amazing home theater with a HDTV, but are you getting the resolution from you provider? There are a couple things you need to know when it comes to getting the resolution you want. Because, you can have a great TV but if your cable restricts this, than you might as well have a smaller TV. Cable TV has the constraints of its coaxial cable. Putting it simple, any HDTV is restricted to its bandwidths issues, which may result in you experiencing less than-HD picture quality.
Satellite does not have these bandwidth restrictions. Although some constraints, satellite offers high-definition is most cases and may even offer 4K. A downfall of satellite is that, although brief, satellite TV can have dropout issues during bad weather.
Both cable and satellite seem to offer comparable programs, including tons of movies that are waiting to be viewed in your home theater! Before choosing either cable or satellite, make sure you know which is providing the channels you would want, as some sports programming as only available through cable.
There are always hassles when you decide to a new home. Both cable and satellite come with disadvantages. With cable you will likely need to get new cable boxes, or even cancel your service and start up with a new cable provider.
Satellite is national. The only thing you need to do is install the satellite dish installed at your new home. Often you can ask the company to install it for you.
This is where cable really shines. Everyone likes to bundle his or her TV package with Internet. With cable this is easier, since the modem connects to the cable lines, just like your home theater does.
It requires more steps for a satellite since it needs a separate dish. Another option for satellite is to use DSL service, however that is a slower connection that cable.
The big question is always, which option is cheaper. You should take some time to research the packages that are offered and figure out which is cheapest in the long run. Usually all providers give flashy discounts for the first year, but bring it up to the full price when they second year comes around so make sure you look beyond the first year.
Cable and satellite seem to be running for the same price. Now you have to choose what advantages you are looking for and what package you need. Our experts here at Force AV have extended knowledge about home theaters and everything that comes with it. If you have any questions regarding cable, satellite, home theaters or any other smart home device, you can contact us anytime! We provide free consultations so you can get started on making your home smart!