It is extremely likely that during and after the storm, power surges occurred. What are power surges? A power surge is basically a voltage spike in your home's electrical current. Even though it might only last less than a thousandth of a second, it can still be a significant increase in the line voltage. This increased voltage will in most general cases lead to increased electrical currents in your devices, which may kill them.
A good example is a light bulb. When a light bulb experiences a power surge, due to the increased voltage it will generate more light. Simply said: higher voltage means higher current, which means higher temperature of the filament, which means more light. But the light bulb is made for a certain amount of voltage, for example 230V. So an increase in this voltage means a higher temperature, which means it will break earlier (as early as "instantly" if enough voltage is applied). The same goes for any other appliance. You appliance might experience too much heat due to these surges and might break.
The best way to stay away from these damaging power surges is to unplug the devices. However, we don't live in a perfect world and we might have forgotten appliances or not been able to unplug them.
Our experts can come by and check your devices to make sure no damage was done. Working with electricity and electronics can be dangerous and shouldn't be played with. Let us do the work for you! We will assess you home and devices and provide you with a list of your devices, and if any need to be replaced.